Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One House, Two House, Whole House, HIS House!

One House, Two House, Whole House, HIS House!

     It has been a productive and blessed week.   Many thanks for the phone calls, side-bar discussions, questions at oneg about the blog ...  not many written comments to share yet ... only  a couple responded in writing last week. Thank you for that.  Actually, I thought I might have been disowned.  I mean, of course we all believe YHVH!  I was rebuffed on Facebook when I mentioned the common “Christian” portrayal of Yahshua  as a Sabbath breaking, pork eating rebel.  But for the most part it has been a productive and blessed week.  Thank you, Abba.
Two items seem to keep coming up… and I realize now that I am not the only one thinking about them. 

    The first is the debate about one house, two house, Whole House. Well, for me there is no question.  Read the Scriptures… it can be any or all the above.  When we are just coming into the realization that YHVH, the El of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is for us and we are for Him, then we may realize that we  are a member of HIS House. The House of Ephraim or The House of Judah.  One or the other.  .  After  we have been walking and talking for a while and realize that we are not alone on this journey, then we undoubtedly realize that  the Scriptures are plain and simple… He is calling us back.  Who is ‘us’?  The lost sheep of Israel.  [Remember? Ezekiel 37?  One stick for Y'hudah and those joined with him (among) the people of Isra'el?  And remember? ..another stick for Yosef, the stick of Efrayim and all the house of Isra'el who are joined with him?  And also Math 15:24?  I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel?]    The lost sheep can be the unknowing who are dispersed among the nations, or the ones who hang on and guard Torah.  So, the way I read it, the lost sheep include all Judah and Ephraim.  YHVH is calling us, together.  A motley  bunch of remnants.  And we are being called into His House.  Once we cross the threshold and come inside, and permit Him to be our Elohim, Jew or Gentile, Ephriam or Judah, slave or free, male or female, foreigner or domestic, etc  etc, we are His!  So after we have read the Torah dozens of times, and been told by dozens of people what we read and what it means, then we get fired up and read it for ourselves, actually start understanding it, and then we surrender to His will.  That is when we can take our place in His plan.  That is when we develop a relationship beyond all relationships. We all move at different speeds toward this relationship. Some may be on the spiritual super highway, others may be on the spiritual back road with a flat tire.  It doesn't matter how many years we have in Torah, what matters is how much Torah is in us.   No one owns YHVH; but we are owned by Him; He says we are His people.  I can be on the fringe of one house (I don’t want to identify it as the ‘out house’), or I can identify with a specific house, or I can cross the threshold and be in His House.  One house, Two House, Whole House…. They are all HIS House!  What is the goal?  I want to see His face. My goal is to be in One House with the Father.  My belief is that He has called me and I am with Him and He is with me.   I pray He will grant me understanding and wisdom.  End of debate? I hope so.

    The other thing that popped up this week I am going to let ride for a while … very convoluted thoughts on what is the difference in being brought up in the church to love God and pray to Jesus and being brought up in the synagogue to love Elohim and pray for the Messiah to come?  Met a lady raised as an orthodox Jew and she posed this thought to me.  She has not found the Messiah as I understand Him and she acknowledges that she was raised and trained up to listen to the Rabbis and do as they say.  She says it is not different than being raised in the Christian church and told to listen to the Pastor and do as he says.  She currently attends a Christian church! She also feels both are kind of misleading when it comes to the truth of the word.  I need time to make sense of the thoughts because I know both thoughts are necessary for me to grow spiritually at this point in time.  Let this one ride for a while… my thoughts are too scattered and I want to be very organized and orderly and uncluttered when He grants me my prayer.  Right now I’d settle for a Moshe experience just to see His back and be stuffed in the crevice of the Rock!  Shalom for now ... Pinchas  a/k/a Frankly Speaking

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree, it just seems to me that we are getting to concerned with issues that have no bearing on how we are suppose to reflect the life of Messiah Yahshua. I have witnessed in the messianic community, how people get so emphatic about the the spelling and proninciation of Yahweh, and Yahshua. One house, two house, messianic Jew, messianic Israelite, you get the drill. This is so sad for me to watch this, especially on my facebook. There are 4 that I know of that pronounce Yahweh diffently. I am find with this, isn't the heart that calls unto the father anyway, and does't the father know our heart before the words roll off our lips. I am fully sure when Abraham found his God, he had no clue of HIS name. When Abraham search for the one true God he found Him with his faith, not His name. I believe the Christians, Messianics, and Jews need to think and get outside of their crammed box they are in. Our God is bigger than the different variations of Yahweh, and all the issues that divide us against each other which is a waste of air. We are called to united and let our life speak the Words of Yahweh. So many people falling through the cracks, while we are busy with our issues of who is right and wrong. To live Torah is to love your neighbor in peace, feed the poor, visit the sick, and empty your pockets even when your pockets are short already. Anyway that is my thoughts on this blog. And by the way when one ask what I am, I just say I am a follower of the Way the Truth and the Light. Praise be to our Elohim "YAHWEH"!
