Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Grace, Atonement, Redemption, Sanctification, Salvation

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Lets see how this sounds;
Through His grace, I have been redeemed by the atonement of Yahshua enabling me to be sanctified and eligible for His Salvation.
Sounds good.  No?  Lets see what it really says.

GRACE:  joy, pleasure, delight, charm loveliness, favor, goodwill.  (See Rev 22:21)
REDEMPTION:  Is collective; To compensate, to make amends for, to pay the penalty of; to rescue and deliver from the bondage of sin and the penalties of God’s violated law, by obedience and suffering in the place of the sinner, or by doing and suffering that which is accepted in lieu of the sinners' obedience. Yahshua fulfilled this goal.  (see  Is 63:9; Psalm 111;  Gal 3:13;  Titus 2)
ATONEMENT:  making up for wrongs done
SANCTIFIED;   made Holy; by the act of Yahweh’s grace by which the affection of man is purified from sin and the world; exalted to a supreme love to Yahweh
(See 2 Th 2. 1 Pet 1.)
SALVATION; this is individual redemption;  this is “the last opportunity” provided by YHVH for us to be delivered from the power and effect of sin 

So, what am I saying:??  To keep this brief, it all starts with an agreement or contract, a covenant; and that permits the transfer of control of motives to another entity.  This control is limited for it only is in force as long as both parties adhere to the contract.  We can walk away whenever we want, but we lose all support and confidence from  the contracting party.  So, if we have violated a portion of the contract and now want to renegotiate,  the other party can re-agree but the details may remain the same. Since we realize we were better off with the  partnership and contract, and we want to regain our position, we make amends and ask for permission to return to the original contract.  The other party is willing to let us back into the arrangement, as long as we adhere to the terms.  This gives us a clean slate and we are now accepted back into the agreement.  We have thus been delivered from whatever encouraged us to default on the covenant.  We may even learn that our partner in this is also partnered with a great many other peoples.  In fact, He managed a one-time collective atonement for all transgressions of His covenant. 

This one-time atonement for all sins is referred to as redemption and is used when applied to a multitude of people.  Those in the multitude are encouraged to make t'shuva -- turn away from their wrong doing and towards our Creator and the covenant -- and seek salvation.  The salvation is not granted until the very end of the contract when the final decision is made that no further willful, intentional, rebellious digressions from the contract have occurred.  We can only be granted Salvation at the end of time, no matter what we do!(Matt. 24:13)

NOW,  how does this sound?  Through His grace I am permitted atonement via Yahshua's taking the punishment for my transgressions. The Father has already sent His only Son to make a one-time atonement for the sins of all men and invite them back into the covenant.  Should I make t'shuvah and continue to abide by the covenant  to the very end, He will grant me full and complete Salvation through the atoning sacrifice which brought me / us redemption as He promised in His Word.

B’Shem Yahshua Mishichenu

Frankly Speaking  a/k/a Pinchas

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