Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Becoming a Nation of Priests

This past week I heard in conversation that this blog should be one of direction and leadership; that I should be reaching out to help others and make their journey a bit easier.  Maybe this is true.  It was not on my mind when I was asked if I would like to make the Frankly Speaking series a blog rather than have a monthly meeting for seven months.    I much rather be with a live group so we can interact and I can learn.  Who am I to tell others what to do?  If others don’t seek my input, I work hard to keep my mouth shut.  I am not one for writing blogs, etc.   I strive to write  what I think about during the week.  This can be so boring to most people. 

Now, I am just stating the case as it falls.  My schedule is all wacky and I am so far behind on my usual and sundry tasks that I was about to write that “this week’s blog is a review of last week. Any questions? Send a comment.”   But that would be cold and not really the people-loving me that I am.  The challenge is to be up front in my writings.  At the moment I have an ongoing cyber discussion concerning some really serious matters.  But the content of the discussion is not the issue.  The issue is that the discussion is happening in cyber space when it could be one on one, face to face.  It is the same as trying to guide Frankly Speaking online and not in person.  Several, like in many, years ago I told a few people who are near and dear to me that I would not cave in and join the E-mail crowd.  I offered to equip them with a box of stamped self addressed envelopes and they could type their little email to me, print it out, stick it in the envelope and when they walked out the door to go to work the next day, drop it in the mailbox.  NOT ONE TAKER!

So, here I am, writing a blog that I am now told should be one of direction and leadership.  Here’s the direction:  Get off the internet, get off the cell phone, and go and get up front and personal with those to whom you want to speak.  Stop the multi-tasking.  Turn off the TV when in the presence of others.  Sit the children down at the supper table and share the meal and have a conversation.  How was your day?  What fascinated you most this day?   Yeah, I know;  we can’t travel a few hundred miles or so just because we want to talk to someone.  Then let's back up a bit!  Get off the email and call the someone.  If you love the computer so much, get Skype for you and your person and look at each other when you talk. Basic Skype is free; however, for about thirty-three dollars a year you can have your own number and anyone can call you and when they have Skype you can see each other and it is a great way to visit other families.   A few months ago at our house we had a discussion with a family in Ireland and it was terrific. Just met them that day!    [[[so what if I’m rambling….someone asked for directions!]]]

Here’s the leadership part.  YHVH wants a nation of Priests.  Take the directions above, become a leader and make it happen.  Stop letting other people’s excuses stop you from getting back to real life relationships.  If we can’t establish a meaningful relationship with one another (whom we CAN see), how do we establish a meaningful relationship with our Heavenly Father (whom we cannot yet see)?
Shalom for now.  I am turning off this machine to go sit and talk eyeball to eyeball with someone I love.

Frankly Speaking ... a/k/a Pinchas

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