A couple of weeks ago I
was lamenting on how challenged I felt. There is just too much going
on in the world. I felt as though I was unable to comprehend. To
top it off, I (we) gave the keys to the sanctuary to people we had
not met yet. It’s all in my last blog, so I will spare you the
1:3 for you know that the testing
of your trust produces perseverance.
The Peregrinnatti were
coming to hold a week of worship. A gathering of worship leaders and
dancers and musicians, etc. to Kol haMashiach. What can possibly go
wrong? Why was I initially on edge? The Father very plainly told me
to be quiet and enjoy.
13: 16-17 16
But you, how blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears,
because they hear! 17
Yes indeed! I tell you that many a prophet and many a tzaddik longed
to see the things you are seeing but did not see them, and to hear
the things you are hearing but did not hear them.
So, it happened. For me,
it made all the difference in being able to remain calm in the midst
of the storm. In the first week, yes, the first week, we had the
benefit of Brad Scott who just happened to be scheduled at the same
time as the worshippers. We also had a memorial service on the
Friday (Erev Shabbat) afternoon for members who had been taken
abruptly. That too is in a blog if you want to visit it. And during
the course of this occasion, I watched as equipment was moved about,
chairs were assembled and reassembled. Food was prepared,
maintenance was rendered, and everything and anything was a target
for change. What in the world was I thinking? I am loving it!
Oh, did I say this was all
in the first week? Yes! There was a second week. And it just kept
getting better and better. My little dogs even enjoyed it! They
looked forward to going to Shul to visit with the people; the people
who were only going to spend a week with us. Thank You Father for
making me obedient.
If my memory is correct,
we were privileged to be on the receiving end of the worship for a
day or so after two weeks, not just one! Nothing to do but be there.
What a strengthening experience. The gifts of the congregation came
alive. YHVH does not give us gifts to put in the closet. He wants
us to share with all His people what He has bestowed upon us. I was
told several times that I need to “let His people go”. Let the
musicians come alive, the singers come alive, the dancers come alive,
the flags and banner people come alive, the readers come alive; in
other words, let everything that has breath, praise YHVH! I did not
know that I may be the one holding them back. Please Father; forgive
me should this be true. I am executing a course change.
Abba, while You are
addressing that issue, would You also tell all the worshipers to not
hesitate. Let everyone know that Psalm 150 is a commandment! And not
just to read, but to do at all times and in all places, Praise Your
Holy Name!
Thank You for granting me
a deeper sense of Your Will for us all. Thank You for carrying me
through the good times and the not so good times. I now realize
without doubt, You have created me for such a time as this. I now
feel a little closer and my question of “Do I have faith?” is
answered with “You betcha!”. There is no such thing as taking a
chance on YHVH. There is such a thing as having trust and faith in
the Word. That is where true Shalom comes from.
17:21 21
"Not everyone who says to me, `Lord, Lord!' will enter the
Kingdom of Heaven, only those who do what my Father in heaven wants.
Praise Yah!
In Yeshua’s
mighty and awesome name, Amein!
Shalom and shalom,
a/k/a Frankly speaking all the time…
I don't normally leave a comment when I read posts, but I really had to today. What you wrote here, touched my heart in an unbelievable way. You wrote about what you were going through, but change out a few names and the specific incident for something in my own life, and it might has well have been me. "Let His people go..." I will. I will trust in the Father and I will let Him work His will out in my life and in the lives of those around me. I have no idea what that will look like, but I can't keep holding on, because I'm scared of what it might hold. It's waiting--HE is waiting!--regardless. Thank you again for sharing. I am praising the Father for His bountiful goodness and for working through you as an example to others!
ReplyDeletePlease say a warm shalom to Mrs. Yochaved for me. I miss you both.
Shalom, Shalom, and an early Shabbat Shalom!
Todah Rabah! Your words are very kind. I must confess, it took me a while to learn that He did not part the waters until someone risked putting their toes in first. So, a step out in faith does us all good. Again, thank you. Shalom, Pinchas