Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Good Things Are About to Happen

Several years ago, someone told me the sign good things are about to happen is when the enemy rears his ugly head and tries to stop them. Well, from the way it looks right now, good things are about to happen.

How many times are we going to get all up in arms about the enemy trying to take us down? It seems as I reflect back a few years or so, every Feast Day, every Special Occurrence, every time Believers get together on a planned Worship With All Our Hearts, the Enemy of all enemies steps in and diverts our attention and lo and behold before we know it, we are at each other. We are finding fault all around and have completely forgotten the heartfelt Call to Worship! Yeah, this may be my version of what happens, but I assure you, there are more of you than not that have had the same thoughts.

So, then we come to our senses and we stop and we pray and we ask for strength to not let this happen to our little family. And soon all is nice again. But what has occurred in the mean time? “Oh, well the enemy didn’t win this one”, some say. Let me tell you something – Yes He Did! How many times can we be rescued only to fall into the same trap? How many times does it take to learn that when we stay focused on Him constantly, and do His Will, and stay Torah Compliant, that the enemy doesn’t have a chance. But, accepting Brad’s statement; “God is smarter than we are.’’, we can also add to that, the enemy is not smarter than God (YHVH) but he sure can out smart us in a New York Minute!

Check it out for yourself. Watch when you are rejoicing and praising and life is oh so sweet, then Booooom!! What happened? How can fifty people be in a room filled with the Spirit and celebrating and the tears of joy flowing, when someone not so lifted enters and a hush comes over the crowd? How can we say that the Spirit of Yah was with us until Joe Baggadonuts entered the room? The Spirit didn’t leave us…. We shut it out to pay attention to the non-believer. I said, we shut the Spirit out to pay attention to the adversary at work; I did not say we went to deliver the Truth of the Word with a joyful noise. So, do we rescue the non-compliant and urge a better relationship at the cost of stopping our relationship of joy and gratitude? What prevents us from continuing on and letting the adversary witness that we will not be moved?

This happens wherever we are. It is not relegated only to Shabbat Worship when suddenly pagan images emerge on the presentation screen; or a beautiful praise song blasts away with the “non-name” of Yeshua It is when we are whistling a happy tune and loving the day and the task at hand, all alone with the Father. That is when the disruption takes a deep hold. All alone with Him and the enemy tries to slip in. Like when we have mastered a great meal for our loved one who will be home in a minute, and is ten minutes late; then the enemy takes charge. It happens every time we let our thought processes be overcome by an outsider! Only the Ruach should be permitted to assist our thinking. There is not enough room for both the Holy One and any other one within this Temple.

We, Kol haMashiach et al, are about to partake in our fifth annual Rivers in the Desert Conference. Last year I was unable to be present but for a few minutes; the injury was a turning point in my life. Though haSatan has not registered, he sure has shown up and a bit early I might add. There have been no major obstacles until we stop and look at the overall picture; from health issues preventing some from coming who have never missed, to financial issues that were not anticipated but created stress in how to juggle between “what I want to do and what I need to do”. Simple little things such as clothes to wear, where to stay, do I camp or take a room, will I get a good seat? All these and many more questions come up and we can find easy and simple answers. But when we do, another variable springs up and we are stunned! Then as more is piled on us, we begin to wonder, what’s the use? 
Being Torah compliant has many advantages. Psalm 34 tells us that YHVH watches over the righteous with His eyes and His ears hear their cries. He saves those who have crushed Spirits. And He is fully aware of the troubles the righteous encounter; He is near the brokenhearted, he rescues those that suffer, and He protects all the bones of the righteous, not one of them gets broken. Praise YHVH!

When we walk the walk and talk the talk and come to trust and have faith, there is nothing the adversary can do to us. Our Father grants us mercy so that we do not lose courage as we do the work He has given us. (2 Cor 4) Yes! There will be challenges! Without a yardstick there is no measure! 
As 2 Cor 4 goes on to say, 8 We have all kinds of troubles, but we are not crushed; we are perplexed, yet not in despair; 9 persecuted, yet not abandoned; knocked down, yet not destroyed. 10 We always carry in our bodies the dying of Yeshua, so that the life of Yeshua may be manifested in our bodies too.’

Sometimes all it takes to get back on track is a simple little move. i.e., Turn off the television. Walk around the room and take visual inventory. Compare what is seen as to what is felt or sensed. Let the ‘quiet’ work a bit. Too often we turn to crank up the music, loud, drown out the thoughts, and distance ourselves from our reality. Our Father wants to be heard. Unless He is telling us to get away from the tent, He most often uses a still quiet voice. Do you find that your visual inventory is a little different than what you sense about your being? Are you now welcoming the Spirit back in and shutting the adversary out? Did worry for what seat you would have or what clothes you would wear or how you would be able to be in His Presence really help you? He loves us as we are. We must permit Him His space. Good things are about to happen!

Rev 20:10 10 The Adversary who had deceived them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet were; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

Thank You most Gracious and Heavenly Father. What a blessing it is to be permitted to call you Abba. I pray to not let You down. In Yeshua’s most beautiful, awesome, wonderful, loving name. Amein!

Shalom, Pinchas 
a/k/a Frankly speaking all the time…

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