Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Getting a Grip

These past few weeks have been full of trials and tribulations. Not for me, but for so many people around me. And a lot of them are children. Just when I was starting to wonder if I would ever catch up with all the "to do" stuff, I would get word about someone having a bit of a problem overcoming an obstacle in their daily life. This got to the point that I wondered just what the purpose of it all was. Is YHVH telling me something?

Looking back on the trials and tribulations that I thought I had gone through, and the difficulty in getting back into the rhythm of my life as I knew it, the message came. Basically, get off your posterior and get out there and do something! Even if it is wrong or not necessary, do something! As I became more motivated to 'do something', the people around me began reporting the Father intervening in their lives and things beginning to be more tolerable. Was this my Father telling me that I have nothing to complain or grumble about? Didn't I already learn that? Wasn't that the reason I sat for almost a full year, waiting for the healing to take hold? How soon I forget!

What took me so long to realize that I have no problems? There were so many times when I would be thankful just for an hour without pain... such a feeling of gratitude that I did not suffer what some would call permanent damage. So why on earth would I be distressed because I haven't cleaned the place up yet? All I can see is the debris from fallen trees and the bugs and the erosion. Once I got on my feet, I didn't see the puppy that nursed me back to health. All he wants from me is to give him a few minutes a day. I became too busy and was getting nothing done, according to the way I saw it. I won't even begin to start on the my neglect of the Proverbs 31 woman who brought verse eight and nine to life! To my life! How neglectful I can be?

I became so caught up in what I "had" to do, I completely missed opportunities to do what I needed to do. Reaching out and helping others is more important than picking up sticks in the back yard! Oh how soon I forget! Maybe that is why my foot became inflamed periodically, like yesterday and today! My Father is great in sending E-mail (Emotion mail).

There are many instances I can identify in regards to overlooking relationship issues. But let me shy away from getting too personal. Instead, let me just let the random thoughts come forward; as in the days when this blog first started. For those who have not gone back to the beginning, this little ditty was started just to share thoughts that I have had along the way in seeking to see my Creator's face. Then life happened and the thoughts went crazy!

While I was 'laboring' in the heat and dirt the other day, I spoke openly to no one in particular; I was the only human present; the doggies were present; they keep me guessing - I know they fully understand me more than I understand them. Anyhow, I uttered aloud that I sure wish we could get some rain. Guess what? YHVH hears our petitions! It started raining yesterday and continued today and now I have just learned a tropical storm is coming tomorrow! Yeah, I caught myself expressing how I won't be able to get the sticks picked up and spray for the bugs and etc. I just can't seem to get it right, can I? What a hoot!

Speaking of prayers answered; I told the dogs, the ones that nurtured me while I couldn't walk, that I sure would like a full night's sleep! Going to bed at one in the morning and getting up at three to 'go outside' was getting old. Lo and behold, we went to bed at ten, didn't tell them; and got up at five; went 'out' for the moonlight stroll and back to bed before six; slept till eight and felt agitated that I slept too late. So you tell me - when will it all sink in? When will I laugh a little more as I did this morning? Slept too late, complained, the rains came booming, got a break and clear sky at two this afternoon, got the tractor out, positioned it way out back, and came in for tea and the rains returned! Yeah, I laughed! He gives me everything I ask for. And I know for certain, He does it all "in His time" and with a grin! You gotta love Him! The one entity in my life that I know I can count on! Just as Shabbat is the only day of the week that makes perfect sense! Oh, before I get too far away, for those who don't quite understand this - His time is anytime He wants....LOL....  And my time is up..... she who must be obeyed is waiting for this blog-post so she can finish getting the newsletter out.

There, I did it...back to blogging...luv u guys...Shalom for now and do take the time to enjoy the humor He bestows on us. Life is just too precious to be in crisis mode all the time! Again, love you all...

and Father, I love You! Thank You for all the blessings and for Your fantastic patience.... I am learning....although there are times when I feel as though I have forgotten more than I ever knew...I pray that I never ever forget You. In Y'shua's Great name.... Amein

With gratefulness, 
a/k/a Frankly speaking all the time.

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