Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Once I Was Blind

Hanok 83:8, 9 “And now, my son, arise and make petition to hvhy of esteem, since you are a believer, that a remnant may remain on the earth, and that He may not destroy the whole earth. 9 “My son, from the Shamayim all this will come upon the earth, and upon the earth there will be great destruction.”

I have no idea where I am going with this. I just know that I was “browsing” in the Book of Hanok and read the above two passages and they grabbed at me. If I am correct, Methuselah was having a vision in a dream about the heavens coming down and destroying the earth. When he was awakened because of the noise and restlessness he was exhibiting, he was told that because he was a believer that he was to pray to YHVH to spare a remnant and not destroy the whole earth.

So, the prophecy happened and Methuselah was the last righteous man standing.
Now, I have no intention of ‘teaching’ Scripture here…so I have not dug into the history books to ensure correctness. The intent here is to find just where I am in my relationship with my Father. Having been down this path many times, I have come to believe that my journey to find where I am in my relationship with the Almighty is not the direction I should be in. What if I shifted my thinking and took a different tack. Instead of trying to ascertain where I am in relationship with my Father, I maybe should be trying to establish where my Father is in relationship with me. That would mean I would benefit spending my time getting to know Him even more. It is not where I am, it is where He is that counts.

From the above passage I learn that when the heavens come down they can destroy the earth completely should it be the Father’s will. I have previously learned and fully believe that YHVH keeps the universe together. Should He change His mind, it is over…gone…finished! I also have read that He would not flood the entire earth again. However, I have read that He will take parts…little by little unless we shape up. The operative statement is unless we shape up. So how will it happen? How will He destroy the earth and it’s civilization and still keep His word that it won’t be a flooding with a half dozen or so survivors?
Last summer Yocheved and I took our grandson to the Edison Museum and investigated all that he ‘created’. He, Thomas Edison, is no longer with us but his inventions are in use today. Edison had a willing heart to create implements that would benefit mankind. He was successful, however, he had no control over them once they were completed and marketed. His ‘will’ departed when he departed. So his inventions will depart at some point in time but no later than the end of the earth as we know it.

Our Father’s willing heart created the earth and everything within it. He created the universe and all that we can see. Through the will of the Father, it is all in existence today. Should YHVH Elohim decide He has had enough, that we have taken too long to shape up, then he can will the heavens to fall upon us in a fiery ball. In a flash it would be over as we know it. Will the prophecy of Methuselah hold true? Will the Father hear his prayer and let a remnant remain one more time? Was the Noach experience enough for our Savior to say, we just aren’t worth it? Has He done more than any parent would for a wayward child? What if it was us and our children? How would we feel? How much patience does it take before we realize we must love them enough to let them go? 
Think long and hard about this: When Divine Will ceases, the object of His will also ceases. I believe for the time being, it is the Father’s will for the universe to stay in rhythm. When His will to maintain and ensure existence continues, we continue. Should His will cease to exist, we cease to exist. 
Just something to think about…that’s all. For years I have been following the crowd and spending my energies focusing on Mashiach’s return. The great Wedding day. Oh yes, I want for that day. Let’s just don’t lose sight that unless He is satisfied with the order of things, it could end before we know it. I know that the Word outlines specifics about the thousand year reign and all. I also know that there is Word saying ‘narrow is the gate’. 
Please Father, continue to direct us and guide us. You are the Almighty God, the true Elohim, the Creator of Heaven and Earth… without You we are nothing. Please, I beg, accept me as a Believer; leave a parcel of land for me to care for. Please let there be others, even if only a remnant, to recapture the Land and toil it as You have always wanted. Father, we are slow to learn and for that we beg Your forgiveness. Should You deem us worthy, please don’t let your fire reign down on us. Permit us to honor you with good deeds. Abba, we are aware that You and only You have the will to keep us alive. I pray with my heart to be deemed righteous and left standing to serve you to the bitter end. Just as Yeshua is The Messiah, and the sun shines by Your command and will, we love You and cherish the day that You find us worthy to see Your face. Amein!

Shalom, Shalom --

aka Frankly Speaking All the Time

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