Wednesday, December 19, 2012

No Words to Describe the Way I feel

A tremendous week. This week has brought forward so many chapters and verses of the Holy Word that I cannot even begin to bring them all into thought. My mind is running rampant with all kinds of stuff. For one, I think much about “‘do I really have great faith in my Father? How trusting am I to let go and “let God”? ‘
So, in the midst of all this going on in the world (I will not speak about the atrocities in Connecticut or China), we have Worship Week. What a fantastic time for all to come together and focus only on our Father, YHVH Elohim. Yes, I was reluctant. For those who do not know: we gave the keys to the sanctuary over to those whom we do not know and entrusted them to be worthy of praising His name in our tent of meeting; The Peregrinnatti. They will facilitate for one full week. We accepted their credentials based upon the word of some who know us and we believe know them. It was a meeting of the Spirit. It turns out to be Divine Appointment!

This week, we, my wife and I, did as we were told to do. We asked how can we help bring this week of worship to fruition and we were told , “Nothing. Just come and worship”. My faith and my trust are being tested. I am very protective of the flock. Yet, I somehow kept being told, let it be. It will all work out. I let it go…with much consternation. So, I did as told, and it is as said! I am so thankful the Father held me in check to experience worship from days of my old school brought into the new school. My eyes are still wet.

Please permit me to just say a few words about “us”. “Us”, that is you and me. We are so very similar. If we were dissimilar, we would not be here at this moment.
You know and I know that the problem with this country, the United States of America, comes from turning our back on YHVH (G-d). The greater problem is; we, the believers in the peace and sanctity of the Almighty, are too reserved and hesitant to stand up, shout up and declare the strength and majesty of our Creator.
I had a discussion this evening with someone who is very intelligent; well educated and very rational at most times. I have known this person for more than thirty years. One of those who just knows so much about everything you wonder how he has the time to be so informed. But He Is! I respect this.

This educated person firmly believes that we, you and I, do not deserve to be here because of how this country came into being. He does not want to hear that we learned early on and repented for the way we came on board. And that became the foundation for our Constitution.

In fact, he does not accept that this country was founded on Judeo-Christian philosophy as an outreach for repentance for how we came about. He fails to accept that the founders were “not running from” but were “running to”. This is how the Constitution came into being.

This is what bothers me. I hate to see, hear or even think about any form of suffering in this world. It is not that I have not known suffering, (been around the world four times, visited most free countries and some not so free, career military, and not to mention my childhood, etc. ) What dismays me is the insistence of the people of this free world to be so quick to find excuses for every type of antisocial behavior. 

How did I get on this topic? That’s easy – the Spirit within me wants me to focus on Him and so I focus on the children. The children have been called. He has the power to take them away from any further harm. When will I learn that YHVH, Elohim, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, will have His way? When will we all learn that our El is a loving El; it is we, who stand in the way of the relationship! Yes, I mourn for children taken so early. I also relish in the thought that our Father has spared them for the trials and tribulations of the end of times. Elohim, YHVH, please bless their souls and comfort them as they gather to be called unto You. Thank You Father; thank You for permitting me to be called unto You.

And please forgive me for digressing and bringing up the Connecticut and China atrocities. Let me now get back to the “lost in worship” feeling with the Peregrinnatti, and this week of nothing but worship. Oh how easy it is to be distracted. Father, is that why you brought these traveling worshippers in to our lives? Thank You for the tremendous blessing. Thank You for placing Your arms around us one and all.

Time to head back to Shul and more spiritual growth.

B’shem Y’shua haMashiach, Amein and Amein!
aka Frankly speaking all the time.

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